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1st Prize

Begeč Square - “New Places” DaNS Association of Novi Sad Architects

The urban-design for improvement of small public spaces as part of the preparations for the year 2021 when Novi Sad will become the European Capital of Culture.

2016 Invited competition, private investor

1st Prize

Navigator - Office building, 2nd phase MPC, cluster 43, New Belgrade, RS Architectural and urban design with O.Djurović, A. Jović (Center for Urban Development Planning, Belgrade)


Recognition/ Ransom

Cluster 42 (new Bus station), New Belgrade , RS Architectural, urban&traffic design with H.Šacka, V.Mladenović, T.Zelić, M.Pavićević (Center for Urban Development Planning, Belgrade)


1st Prize

UN HABITAT Upgrading of the Roma Settlement “Grdička Kosa 2” in Kraljevo, RS Architectural and urban design with M.Komlenić


1st Prize

The Design of the pedestrian street Cara Lazara St, Belgrade with M.Komlenić


Recognition / Ransom

Office building across the Temple of St Sava, cluster A/126, Belgrade architectural design with M.Komlenić


1st Prize

The housing project “Dr Ivana Ribara”, New Belgrade, 100000sqm Architectural and urban design, with M.Komlenić, International competition


2nd Prize

New Municipality building of the Surčin community in Surčin, RS with M.Komlenić 2005 1st Prize


1st Prize

International competition Slavija Square Architectural and urban design, Belgrade, RS with M.Komlenić


1st Prize

Gold medal in category: residential design Leonardo 2005, International competition of young architects, Minsk, Belarus


3rd Prize

Social housing in Niš, RS - UN HABITAT with M.Komlenić


Recognition/ Ransom

Central zone of Vrujci Resort, RS Urban and architectural competition design, with Ž.Gligorijević, N.Petrović, D.Pintar (Center for Urban Development Planning, Belgrade)


Architectural Award 26th Exhibition of Architecture, for culture of visual language Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade, RS


Recognition / Ransom

Three categories of social housing in Belgrade, RS Architectural and urban design with M.Komlenić


3rd Prize

International passenger terminal of river transport in Belgrade, RS with M.Komlenić


1st Prize, Invited competition, private investor

Residential and business building Gospodara Vučića 1, Beograd with O.Djurović, E.Toponarski, Cep,


1st Prize, International competition Retirement home in Valjevo, RS Architectural and urban design with M.Komlenić

2003 equivalent

1st Prize

A House for Andrei Tarkowski, ICARCH, International competition


2nd Prize

Reconstruction and historic preservation of the city centre of Brčko, Brčko District, BiH with M.Komlenić, G.Gelev, International competition


1st Prize

AUPA – Architecture and urbanism in Panečevo, RS

With G.Gelev, A.Šikić , D.Bogdanović

Awards: Services
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